ats25 max decoder ii

Обсуждение всех приемников серии ATS25
Сообщения: 2
Зарегистрирован: 14 авг 2024, 15:33

ats25 max decoder ii

Сообщение wesley »

my first post . as a new member .
i have a ats 25 max decoder ii and have already downloaded the latest software to the device . and activated my licence key .
when i select the ham band i have the air band 2m , 6m and marine band on my screen but i cant select them !
did i do somting wrong or is this not active already whit the air 2,16 update ?
grtz from belgium
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ats25 max decoder ii

Сообщение Binns »

wesley писал(а): 18 авг 2024, 02:30 my first post . as a new member .
i have a ats 25 max decoder ii and have already downloaded the latest software to the device . and activated my licence key .
when i select the ham band i have the air band 2m , 6m and marine band on my screen but i cant select them !
did i do somting wrong or is this not active already whit the air 2,16 update ?
grtz from belgium
Your receiver model does not support these bands.