The frequency displayed is not accurate

Обсуждение прошивок для приемников на микросхеме SI473x (ATS25)
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Зарегистрирован: 17 окт 2023, 23:00
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The frequency displayed is not accurate

Сообщение Gunka »

Good evening,
First of all I would like to thank you for developing the brilliant software!
Now I wanted to precisely adjust the frequency of the Si473x's crystal oscillator using a GPS-controlled oscillator. I set 10,000 MHz and found the CW mode very useful for adjustment. I noticed a different center frequency between CW and CWR.
Finally I had checked the setting on different frequencies. However, larger and smaller deviations in the center frequency were found. In some cases there is a deviation of up to approx. 400 Hz. I therefore suspect that an exact setting of 32.768 KHz makes little sense and a watch quartz would be completely sufficient.
I tested this with the ATS25x2 (converted to a decoder) and an RX that I built myself according to V9.
My questions please:
Are these problems caused by the hardware of the receiver chip or would it be possible to adjust these using software?
Which frequency and which mode would you recommend for precise adjustment of the quartz frequency?
Did I understand correctly that the difference between CW and CWR is that each selects the other sideband?

Despite these problems, it remains an ingenious receiver concept.
Best regards
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The frequency displayed is not accurate

Сообщение Binns »

Gunka, Your experiments are interesting, but could you make a short video of how you check the frequency in CW and CWR
Сообщения: 12
Зарегистрирован: 17 окт 2023, 23:00
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The frequency displayed is not accurate

Сообщение Gunka »

Hello Mr. Binns,
Thank your for your fast reply.
I have tested with GPS controlled Oscillator.
My Receiver is the V9. Software 4.16 Air.
Video here is unfortunately not possible.
So I will try to send small videos to your Mail address...
Thats a the moment quite difficult to send from Germany.